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La línea de cuidado de la piel MIKKA® se basa en extracto de cáñamo industrial de primera calidad con alto contenido en CBD y otros cannabinoides. Hemos seleccionado los ingredientes naturales que mejor calman, equilibran e hidratan tu piel, previniendo eficazmente los signos del envejecimiento.
COSMOS етикетируемо Почистващо Масло Гел

COSMOS етикетируемо Почистващо Масло Гел

La gelée huileuse, composée majoritairement d'huiles végétales bio, 100% d'origine naturelle est une solution innovante permettant de nettoyer la peau en douceur tout en préservant son équilibre naturel. La composition de ce produit peut être modifiée en fonction de votre cahier des charges.
LIGHT CARE GEL REVELADOR · Gel revelador para la coloración ácida · KOSSWELL PROFESSIONAL

LIGHT CARE GEL REVELADOR · Gel revelador para la coloración ácida · KOSSWELL PROFESSIONAL

Gel revelador que activa la coloración ácida light care. Formulado y estabilizado para utilizar en procesos de tinturas. Ideal para refrescar y reavivar el color entre tintes. Matiza y corrige para un tono único. Cambia de tonalidad. Brillo sublime de larga duración.
Gotratix - Пептидни продукти

Gotratix - Пептидни продукти

Muscle tissue peptides. Peptides have a selective action on myocytes, normalize their metabolism, and increase their functional activity. Bulk:60 capsules of 0,215 g. Brand:Cytomaxes Catalog item:Gotratix Expiry date:30.09.2026 Barcode:4603423006244
Рициново масло | 100% Чисто ECOCERT Рициново масло - 30 мл - ECOCERT Екологична Сертификация - С Арганово и Жожоба масло

Рициново масло | 100% Чисто ECOCERT Рициново масло - 30 мл - ECOCERT Екологична Сертификация - С Арганово и Жожоба масло

RICINOIL Saluvital BIO contiene un 98 % Aceite de Ricino 100% puro procedente de la agricultura ecológica, se obtiene mediante presión en frío de las semillas de un arbusto originario de la India y África llamado Ricinus Communis. Enriquecido además con Aceite de Argán y Jojoba, también procedentes de la agricultura ecológica, se convierte en la opción más natural y eficaz para cuidar y fortalecer las pestañas, las cejas, las uñas, el cabello y la piel. Modo de empleo: Pestañas y cejas: Aplicar una pequeña cantidad de aceite por las noches después de desmaquillarse, con la ayuda de un bastoncillo o disco desmaquillador. Uñas: Aplicar por las noches con un bastoncillo en cada uña; masajear después la uña insistiendo en la cutícula. Cabello: Masajear suavemente el cuero cabelludo, dejar reposar 30 minutos aproximadamente y lavar el cabello. Piel: Corporal y Facial. Aplicar sobre la piel, masajear la zona deseada hasta su total absorción. A ser posible después de un baño de agua caliente. C.N:193740.7
Шампоан за грижа за косата с биотин 400 мл - Шампоан

Шампоан за грижа за косата с биотин 400 мл - Шампоан

Lo shampoo per la cura dei capelli alla biotina 400ml rinforza e nutre i capelli grazie al suo contenuto di biotina (vitamina B7). Aiuta le ciocche di capelli a sembrare più spesse e più sane, riduce la caduta dei capelli. È un prodotto efficace per la cura dei capelli che aiuta i capelli ad apparire più sani, lucenti e voluminosi. SKU:31198
Капсули с коластра - Капсули и таблетки

Капсули с коластра - Капсули и таблетки

Colostrum, also known as pre-milk, is the very first milk given by mammals to newborns to give them the optimal nourishment in the first few days. Colostrum contents lots of biologically active molecules such as immunoglobulin G (IgG). The colostrum used in our capsules is exclusively obtained from controlled stocks of cows within the first 24 hours of giving birth of calves. A cow produces normally more colostrum than the calf needs. Only the surplus may be used for the production of Colostrum Capsules. Each capsule contains 400mg Colostrum Colostrum with at least 18% immunoglobulin G (IgG). Art. No.:819
KYOLIC® CoQ10, капсули (Формула 110) - Хранителни добавки

KYOLIC® CoQ10, капсули (Формула 110) - Хранителни добавки

The product contains coenzyme Q10 and an extract from aged, organically grown garlic treated with a special process to remove unpleasant odors. Aged garlic helps maintain healthy heart, blood vessel function and normal blood cholesterol and fat levels. Filled and sold by: Galex d.o.o., Tišinska ulica 29g, 9000 Murska Sobota. Produced by: Wakunaga of America CO., LTD, 23501 Madero, MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 U.S.A. SKU:611193 Net Quantity:60
Серум концентрат 5 пептида

Серум концентрат 5 пептида

A lightweight gel concentrate with powerful anti-aging properties. The formula contains 5 types of peptides that specifically target all the factors in the formation of photo- and chrono-aging signs. The signal (regulatory) matrikine peptide MATRIXYL® Morphomics™, two muscle relaxant peptides working in tandem - Argireline® and Leuphasyl®, remodeling copper tripeptide, Relistase (stimulating peptide), strengthen each other and achieve the best possible results in improving the condition of aged skin. Daily use of the serum for one to two months will improve the quality of the skin at the tissue level: a significant increase in firmness and elasticity of the skin, reducing the depth of wrinkles and thin lines, preventing skin laxity and deformation of the face shape. The skin becomes smooth, shiny, thick, and the face color improves. The skin barrier function is activated, regeneration is accelerated. It revitalizes the skin and makes it look rejuvenated and well-treated.
Хидра +

Хидра +

Crema Hydratanta SPF 15
Купете Liquid Red Mercury 20/20 Mining Grade

Купете Liquid Red Mercury 20/20 Mining Grade

Buy Liquid Red Mercury 20/20 Mining Grade Whatsapp: +33 605715502 Website: https://hgchemicals.com/product/buy-liquid-red-mercury-online/ Quality Liquid Red, Silver Mercury and related products online from trusted suppliers with guaranteed purity and authenticity. We supply Pure Red Liquid Mercury online 20/20 of great quality from Germany and our depots in France and USA. Our Pure Red Liquid Mercury 20/20 for sale online is in high demand by industries worldwide. It is a high grade & perfectly composed Pure Red Liquid Mercury 20/20. Red liquid Mercury is a cherry red liquid produced by irradiating mercury antimony oxide with elemental mercury Contact for more info. Silver: https://hgchemicals.com/product/buy-silver-liquid-mercury-online/ CAS 20720-76-7 Telegram: hg80chemicals Whatsapp: +33 605715502 EMAIL: hgchemicals1@gmail.com
Кили паста за зъби - Кили паста за зъби

Кили паста за зъби - Кили паста за зъби

İçerisinde bulunan negatif iyon özzeliği, yüksek kalsiyum bentonit kil , nane ve karanfil yaprakları sayesinde ağız içi bakımını ve diş temizliğinizi mükemmel yapar. Yüksek orandaki kil sayesinde diş etlerini çekilmesini ve kanamasını önler, ağız kokusunu giderir. Karanfil ve nane yağlarının etkisi ile ağız yaralarını önler ve giderir.
Octisex Forte - Възстановете Своята Либидо

Octisex Forte - Възстановете Своята Либидо

Octisex forte gélules apporte son aide dans les cas de fatigue passagère, prise de nouveau traitement, ou pannes sexuelles à répétitions. Le ralentissement de la libido provoque les problèmes d'érection, tout comme l'arrêt des rapports sexuels. L'andropose, la solitude et la fatigue, représentent plus de 80% des troubles. Réactivez votre système veineux et nourrissez votre système sanguin. Composition 100 % naturelle. L-arginine, Piper nigrum, Zinc, Ornithine Gingembre.
OMEYA - Брандинг на производител на козметични продукти

OMEYA - Брандинг на производител на козметични продукти

Цяластен брандинг на производител на козметични продукти - лого, типография, илюстрация, продуктова фотография, дизайн ан етикети, опаковки.
Течен Въглен

Течен Въглен

Zhidkij ugol is a line of next-generation sorbents on natural apple pectin. Pectin efficiently transports harmful substances out of the body Its sorption capacity is 20 times higher than that of activated charcoal. It is 6 to 10 times better than other sorbents in removing heavy metals. Fortified with a prebiotic to restore the intestinal microbiota. The composition is strengthened with succinic acid and taurine to accelerate detoxification and improve well-being. Easy-to-take dosage form: a pleasant-tasting drink. Quick action: a liquid dosage form acts faster than tablets and capsules. Does not induce constipation. Active Ingredients:pectin, inulin, taurine, succinic acid Presentation:10 sachets of 7 g each


In der Kosmetikserie von apiserun finden Sie die unvergleichliche Kombination von Gelee Royale und ausgesuchten natürlichen Pflanzenextrakten. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE ist ein erfrischendes Tonic für die reifere und regenerationsbedürftige Haut mit Straffungseffekt. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE morgens und abends nach der Reinigung auf Gesicht und Hals auftragen. Wirkstoffe: • Gelée Royal • Karottenextrakt • Rosenöl • Geraniumöl
Антиоксидантен комплекс OXXY+/капсули 400mg #60 - Средиземноморски полифенолен концентрат Oxxynea®

Антиоксидантен комплекс OXXY+/капсули 400mg #60 - Средиземноморски полифенолен концентрат Oxxynea®

Oxxy+ is an innovative supplement developed based on the Mediterranean diet, which when taken daily satisfies the recommendations for 5 meals of fruits and vegetables. Storage: Concentrate of 11 fruits: (50-60%) red and white grapes, blueberries, grapefruit, papaya, pineapple, strawberry, apple, apricot, cherry, orange, black currant. Concentrate of 11 vegetables: (30-40%) green tea, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, white cabbage, onions, garlic, wheat germ, asparagus, olives, cucumber High level of antioxidant activity (ORAC) >5 000 ммоль TE/g
Масло за грижа за косата Unisex

Масло за грижа за косата Unisex

Ürünlerimiz; Orijinal Rodaj X markasıdır. Sağlık Bakanlığı Tarafından Onaylı ve Tescillidir. Kozmetik Kanununa Göre Üretilmiştir. Ambalaj Özellikleri: 50 ml, Sıvı, Cam şişe kutulu Kullanım Amacı: Saçınız sizin en önemli aksesuarınızdır. Saçlarınız yüzünüzün ve görünüşünüzün çok önemli bir parçasıdır. Ve saçlarınızı korumak için çaba gerekiyor. Saçlarınızın parlaklığı ve sağlıklı olması birçok faktöre bağlıdır. Diyetiniz, hava durumu, hormonlarınız ve daha fazlası. Bu nedenle dolabınızda saçınızı güçlendirecek ve koruyacak ve gerekli bakımı yapacak bir ürüne her zaman ihtyacınız olacak. Saç bakım yağı, saçınızı gençleştirmek için harika bir çözümdür. Büyümeyi iyileştirmek, kepekle savaşmak ve dökülmeyi azaltmak gibi birçok faydası vardır. Rodaj X tarafından geliştiren bu muhteşem ürün ile saçlarınız ile gurur duyun. Kullanım Şekli: Saç bakım yağı hafta da bir kez kullanılmalıdır.Her uygulamadan önce saçlarınızı yıkamanız önerilir.
Cetaphil - Грижа за кожата

Cetaphil - Грижа за кожата

Top quality verified and reputable skin care products and body lotion made with the world’s finest plant oils and absolutes all available in wholesale and retail.
Химическа Анкерна Капсула Vpk-sf

Химическа Анкерна Капсула Vpk-sf

Compound anchors are particularly suitable for applying high load values ​​with small edge and axial distances, as they anchor without expansion pressure. They can be used in dry and damp subsoil, as well as cost-effective and efficient for side-by-side assemblies.
Персонализиран контур на очите

Персонализиран контур на очите

Faites votre diagnostic de peau ou connectez-vous pour découvrir votre formule sur-mesure Cernes:-38% Poches:-50% Hydratation:+52% Rides:-21%
Съдържа на мл: Амоксицилин (като трихидрат) 100 мг

Съдържа на мл: Амоксицилин (като трихидрат) 100 мг

Please visit our website www.jhlanimalhealth.com . Can email us at... +32474 - #Composition Contains per ml: Amoxycillin (as trihydrate) 100 mg #Description by e.g. penicillinase-producing staphylococci and some Gram-negative strains Amoxycillin long-acting is a broad-spectrum, semi-synthetic penicillin, active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The range of effect includes Streptococci, not penicillinase-producing Staphylococci, Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium spp., Clostridium spp., Brucella spp., Haemophilus spp., Pasteurella spp., Salmonella spp., Moraxella spp., E. coli, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Fusiformis, Bordetella spp., Diplococci, Micrococci and Sphaerophorus necrophorus. Amoxycillin has many advantages; it is non-toxic, has good intestinal resorption, is stable in acidic conditions and is bactericidal. The drug is destroyed #Amoxicillin_ Injection #antibiotic_ Veterinary #Medicine _veterinary #Animal_ amoxicillin_ trihydrate_ GMP #amoxicillin_ raw_ pharmaceutical_ veterinary #amoxycillin_ raw_ pharmaceutica
CENTOBOR - Хранителна добавка

CENTOBOR - Хранителна добавка

KENDİNİZ VE SEVDİKLERİNİZ İÇİN • Antiviral, Antibakteriyel, • Antifungal ve yüksek antioksidant etkisiyle, • Vücut direncini artırmaya, • Yaşlanmayı geciktirmeye, • Hormonları dengelemeye yardımcı olduğu gibi içerisinde bulunan çinko, magnezyum ve kalsiyum mineralleri ile mineral eksikliğini gidermeye YARDIMCI OLUR.
Crebell Крем за доене - Прополис-Мед-Урея-Без Парабени

Crebell Крем за доене - Прополис-Мед-Урея-Без Парабени

La Crema de Ordeñe Crebell® con PROPÓLEOS y MIEL es una crema con un alto poder nutritivo, suavizante, elastizante e hidratante.El propóleos junto con la miel le confiere su poder natural.Ideal para pieles sensibles, secas y atopicas. Colabora en la lucha contra la micosis u hongos.Es excelente ayudando a calmar las llagas o ulceraciones producidas en las personas postradas en cama por períodos prolongados. Magníficos resultados ante las laceraciones irritativas de los dedos de las manos, vulgarmente conocidas como “alergia a detergentes de las amas de casa”.toda persona que necesite hidratar en profundidad su piel, Especialmente recomendada para quien esté expuesto a los agentes como sol, viento, cloro, productos químicos, detergentes y particularmente para aquellas con pieles sensibles y delicadas que padecen irritación y permanente picazón puesto que la acción del Propóleos ayuda a calmar tales sensaciones.NO contiene parabenes. Debe evitarse el contacto con los ojos. CN179187.


Axeb liquid chelates are complex micronutrient formulations containing organic agents to guarantee a high level of metal stability (Zn, Fe and Mn, among others). Axeb solid chelates are a family of products suitable for preventing and correcting iron chlorosis in crops, in the form of granules or pellets.
CBD Грижа за кожата

CBD Грижа за кожата

The MIKKA® skin care line is based on premium industrial hemp extract with high CBD and other cannabinoid content. We've selected the natural ingredients that best soothe, balance, and moisturize your skin, effectively preventing the signs of aging.


• 13 vitamins + 9 minerals. • Strengthening the body's defenses. • Increased bioavailability of components due to Bioperine®. • It will be useful in the season of colds, with diets or unbalanced nutrition. Recommendations for use: For adults, take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals. Content of active ingredients per 2 tablets: Vitamins: Vitamin В1 – 1.9 mg (136 %) Vitamin В2 – 1.8 mg (113 %) Vitamin В3 – 20 mg (111 %) Vitamin В5 – 5.4 mg (90 %) Vitamin В6 – 2 mg (100 %) Vitamin B9 – 400 mcg (200 %) Vitamin B12 – 3 mcg (300 %) Vitamin A – 400 mcg (50 %) Vitamin E – 10 mg (100 %) Vitamin D3 – 5 mcg (100 %) Vitamin C – 90 mg (150 %). Vitamin K1 – 120 mcg (100 %). Biotin (vitamin H) – 50 mcg (100 %). Minerals Calcium – 150 mg (15 %) Magnesium – 60 mg (15 %) Iron – 14 mg (100 %) Zinc – 12 mg (80 %) Manganese – 2 mg (100 %) Copper – 1 mg (100 %) Iodine – 150 mcg (100 %) Selenium – 70 mcg (100 %) Chromium – 50 mcg (100 %)


• 11 vitamins + 8 minerals. • Based on the age-specific requirements of the body in useful substances. • Provides nutriment and support to joints, extends the active life period. • Suitable for daily intake during the ARVI season, diets and other nutritional restrictions, as well as during recovery from diseases and overstrain. Recommendations for use: For adults, take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals.
Aesop - Грижа за кожата

Aesop - Грижа за кожата

Top quality verified and reputable skin care products and body lotion made with the world’s finest plant oils and absolutes all available in wholesale and retail.